Term Deposits
Redeemable Investment Options: 30 to 364 Day Term Deposits and 1- 5 Year Term Deposits are available at competitive interest rates to meet your investment requirements.
These deposits offer:
- Fixed Guaranteed Interest Rates
- The convenience of automatic principal reinvestment at maturity
Registered Retirement Savings Plan (RRSP)
As good as this sounds, we know coming up with that money is not always easy, especially near the contribution deadline. That is why we offer competitively priced RRSP loans. It’s never too soon or too late to start planning and saving for your retirement!
Registered Retirement Savings Plans (RRSP)
provides you with:
- an unlimited guarantee on your investment, including all principal and interest
- guaranteed rates of return
- tax savings
RRSP Variable
The RRSP Variable Savings Account enables you to make contributions when you choose. Money can be automatically deposited into your RRSP on a weekly, semi-monthly or monthly basis. You’ll never have to rush to meet the RRSP contribution deadline again!
Once a minimum balance of $500 is achieved, your funds can be transferred to a higher interest-bearing fixed deposit. Interest is calculated on the daily minimum balance and paid twice each year.
By contributing on a monthly basis, you earn more interest than by waiting to make a lump sum deposit at the end of the year.
Our Locked-In Registered Accounts (LIRA)
Enable you to transfer locked-in pension plans into RRSPs. LIRAs offer the same features as all of our registered products.
Registered Retirement Income Funds (RRIF)
Provide you with a variety of retirement income options that are flexible enough to meet your needs. RRIFs also continue to tax shelter your hard-earned savings.
Registered Education Savings Plan (RESP)
Through our partnership with Concentra Financial we’re are able to offer RESP’s with a number of different investment options.
An RESP is a government-approved plan for the purpose of providing post-secondary education funding for a beneficiary. Income earned within the plan is not taxed until it is withdrawn.
The Canada Education Savings Grant (CESG) program allows eligible RESP beneficiaries to receive grant monies based on annual contributions paid into the plan. The government will contribute 20% annually on the first $2,500 deposited into an RESP for children up to the end of the year they attain 17 years of age (some exceptions apply).
Tax-Free Savings Accounts (TFSA)
Are offered to help you save for your future. Contributions are not taxable just as income generated on the account is non-taxable. There are a number of products available. Give us a call for more details.
Registered Disability Savings Plan (RDSP)
Through our partnership with Concentra Financial we’re are able to offer RDSP’s with a number of different investment options.
An RDSP is a savings plan that is intended to help individuals with a disability, who are eligible for the Disability Tax Credit, and their families save for long-term financial security. Income earned within the plan is tax-sheltered until withdrawn. Government incentives are available to help build the RDSP savings.
The Canada Disability Savings Grant (CDSG) is a grant based on annual contributions paid into the plan. The federal government will match 100%, 200% or 300% on eligible contributions paying up to $3,500 of CDSG annually into an RDSP to a lifetime maximum of $70,000. The Canada Disability Savings Bond (CDSB) is an amount paid by the federal government into an RDSP of an eligible beneficiary. CDSB is based on family net income and an eligible beneficiary can receive up to $1,000 per year paid into their RDSP to a lifetime maximum of $20,000.